Tuesday, January 25, 2011


My Partner said to me "nobody wants to read a post about eggs".

But it's not just about the eggs. It is about that awesome feeling you get when you can exchange fresh produce with someone else.

I quite often give my preserves, jams and vegetables away and expect nothing in return so you can imagine my excitement when I get something back!

In this case it was fresh eggs from my friend's "girls" - 3 beautiful chooks hiding in a piece of converted council wasteland opposite their house. Not only do they produce top quality eggs they also keep the bugs at bay around the vege garden.

Chickens are popping up all around suburban Wellington and you can see why. Chicken's make great pets, are easy to keep and produce eggs. Eggs that you can keep for yourself and give away. 

Egg-cellent idea don't you think?


Bel said...

Haha - and yes that reminds me, we must owe you a dinner-at-our-place by now! ;)

I have heard that there are no actual guidelines in NZ about what "free range" means - do you know if this is true? Surely the industry is fairly closely regulated? Apparently the issue in the States is that "free range" can mean anything from chickens that have the run of a farm and all its greenery to chickens that get shoved out onto a concrete pad once a day and then back into their dark coop. Just thought you might know!

Unknown said...

Good point Bel. I will have to research this. In the meanwhile I will tell my friends that they should supply me with more fresh eggs :-)

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