Thursday, January 20, 2011

Meat and 3 Vege

There is a new gourmet butcher in Wadestown that opened just before Christmas. They only sell free-range and organic meat.

One of the best things about the place is that the butcher wears a traditional blue and white apron with a straw boater hat. They also use paper bags which is awesome. It feels really good to support local business but also to eat organic meat.

Tonight we are having sirloin steak with mushrooms, beans and new potatoes another A.L recipe. The potatoes I just dug up about half an hour ago. I have 6 different varieties growing and I can't quite remember in which order I planted them. They taste delicious either way.

Oh and I can't not mention the wine that accompanies the dish. It is from South Australia and is a Shiraz. Quarisa, 30 Mile. Had lots of gold, silver and bronze stickers on it and its rather tasty.


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