Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Neighbourly mulch

Mulch. It's pretty much just bits of broken up twigs and leaves but judging from the amount it costs to buy you would think you were laying out a red carpet.

I have been putting off buying this ($80 a trailer load/$160 delivered) gold to put on my native garden that I have created even though the garden is in desperate need of it. But the wait paid off because today while walking in my neighbourhood I came across some people chopping down a tree.

Something compelled me to go ask the guy if he was going to mulch any of the mess he was making. He told me no but how much did I need because he had a pile at the top of his drive. SCORE!

So to cut a boring story (to other people other than myself) short we went back with the car, shovelled some mulch and applied it to the garden. It looks terrific!

So this got me thinking...if we talked to our neighbours more surely we could all be a little bit more self-sufficient?



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